Book Review: The Meaning of Mariah Carey

The Meaning of Mariah Carey is a memoir by Mariah Carey; that was also written with Michaela Angela Davis. In this memoir Mariah delves in to her life and tells us what shaped her and what defined her to find the Meaning of Mariah Carey. Although Mariah is not uncommon to getting number one debuts, this was her first number one in the New York Time Best-Sellers List.

Over the Span of 368 pages, four parts and thirty nine Chapters; Mariah guides the audience through her life. With its ups and downs you can’t actually believe this is someone’s life, let alone the life of THE Mariah Carey. She truly outdid herself with this new masterpiece. She is very open about her life and struggles.

Mariah Carey doesn’t shy away from letting the audience know she wasn’t always this grand diva that is always portrayed, she came from very humble beginnings.

In her memoir she recounts emotions and story’s that she had kept to her self and few close peoples. She starts with her troubled childhood, recounting traumatic events; from growing up with divorced parents, to facing racism at a young age for being of mixed race and even couple of happy moments that she keeps close to her heart; from Sunday dinners with her Dad to visiting her cousins in New York. This leading to a turbulent teenage years, in which she became a little rebellious but had her mind set on making out of her living situation; having bigger dreams. Which transition to her big break in the industry and the behind the scenes dealing (You will be annoyed at this. LIKE?!?!?)

Left: 1990 | Right: 1999

From her debut through the nineties she tells about her first marriage and her music and quick flings. She then delves into the Glitter Era where she infamously had her breakdown. When you finally hear her side of what happen and not what the media reported you will just be shocked and surprised at the way the media just tore into someone at their lowest point. But this leads to Mariah finding her light and her faith and having comebacks that helped garner her 17th and 18th number ones. With this it goes on to tell about her pregnancy and the troubles she had to face, with a positive result. And while writing this book she also received with her her 19th number one at the end of 2019.

The way that Michaela Angela Davis and Mariah Carey wrote Mariah’s life experiences is impeccable. The writing is great because it is very detailed and written in a way that when describing anything you can vividly imagine it in your head. One instance of this was in an anecdote Mariah told the reader about a her childhood when visiting her father and eating Ritz crackers. Won’t say more about this because I don’t want to ruin the book, but the way the crackers were described really made you want a cracker as well. Also, typical Mariah using words that will help expand the audiences vocabulary. There were a couple times that I found myself going online to look up a word to find the actual meaning

Moreover, the wording really heled captivate the audience and set the mood. While this should be an obvious thing, many people tell story’s and the way they word them does not make them hit like they should. This is a great example of it because the words and the story flow great together and keeps the reader intrigued and keep wanting to read.through

I remember when Mariah released this book she sent PR packages to people with the book and with it she sent a box of tissues. I totally understand why she sent it.

PR package sent to Vivica Fox

When I tell you that you will experience every human emotion possible when reading this book. Be prepared. You will cry and feel sore. You will smile and feel joy. You will be angry and have your blood boiling. The writing really gets across to the readers helping keep the audiences attention and wanting them to keep reading.

I hope if you have the chance to get the book and read it because it is so good! Also if you want to hear the story told by Mariah herself she recorded that version on Audible.

The summary I gave of the book, is literally just a summary of Mariah’s life. I did not even get into the in-depth life details that Mariah does. I just covered the tip of the ice berg that is Maria Carey’s life. She is much more than a Diva with a five octave range. She is a human with a story of struggle and triumphs. Ups and Downs. What matters at the end of the day is that she conquered her fears and problems and is still successful.

I am not just saying this because I am a big Mariah Carey fan and want everyone to by this. But Mariah’s story is such a great story to read and take in. You will find it inspirational a tale of a girl who came from a troubled family who follows her dreams and makes it big regardless of the problem she faces and continues to face. Mariah always does her best to put the fans first and always shows her love towards them. I’m happy that she released a book that will help her fanbase not only get to know her better and even connect with her; as the lambs can see that they might have gone through similar experiences as Mariah and know it gets better.

Buy your hardcover copy on Amazon for $12 ! (This is a great price I paid more at Barnes & Noble. Lol)

The Meaning Of Mariah Carey on Amazon

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